For most homeowners, plumbing emergencies are commonplace. A leaky faucet here or a clogged drain there is just a fact of life. When they do occur, however, it's worth kn
- Different weather conditions or seasons affect the plumbing systems in different ways. The plumbing problems most people experience during the hot months are somehow diff
- A blocked drain is one of those annoyances that you might feel you can deal with yourself, and in fact, you probably won't do any harm if you have a go with a plunger or
- If you were to go to the hospital and complain of chest pains, your doctor may recommend an X-ray to see what's causing the discomfort. Drain inspection cameras work in a
- If someone has accidentally flushed a nappy down your toilet, then there is a chance that the nappy will get stuck. If you're lucky, the nappy won't have gone too far, an