Important Facts to Know to Get the Most Out of Pool Pumps

Swimming pools are a dream feature for most homes. You look forward to a cool dip on a hot day or a refreshing lap to relieve stress. Now you finally have a home with a pool and life will be amazing. For many, this is the case, until it comes to maintaining your pool in pristine, swimmable conditions. No one warned you of the work it would be. This is where the importance of pool pumps is clear. Here are some important facts to know to get the most out of pool pumps.

What Pool Pumps Do?

Pool pumps are the part of your pool that circulates the water and the chemicals. The pump pools the water into a filter which cleans the debris that passes. This is one step in keeping your pool clean. This is also one of the best ways to add necessary chlorine to your pool. Pool pumps pull the water through and push it back into the pool. Circulating the water this way allows it to be cleaned and mix the chemicals in so that they are able to disinfect the water. This circulation and filtration are what allows the chlorine to keep algae from growing in your pool thus, keeping your pool clean and safe for swimming.

How Often Should You Run the Pump?

There are many different recommendations as to what time of day and how long you should use pool pumps. Most professionals recommend that you run your pool pump for approximately eight hours a day. This will make sure that your water has completely circulated and will be able to maintain its chemical levels for the remainder of the day. This will depend on the type of pump you have and the size of your pool.

Consult with a local plumber for exact times for your specific needs. The time of day is going to greatly depend on your energy costs. If they are the same at night as they are during the day it is better to run pool pumps during sunlight hours. Reason being that the sun diminishes chlorine levels, making algae growth easier.

How Should You Use Your Pump in the Off-Season?

During off seasons, pool pumps may be run for a shorter amount of time. You must be careful though to run them long enough for the proper circulation and chemical distribution. Here again, you may want to contact a plumber for your needs.

Knowing the reason for, when to use, and off-season recommendation for pool pumps will help keep you in the clear. Taking full advantage of your pool pumps design and keeping these tips in mind will have you ready to dive in whenever the urge strikes.

About Me

Peter's Plumbing Top Tips

My name is Pete and I live on the Gold Coast. Ever since I was a kid, I have always loved messing around with pipes. When I was 8, my dad bought me a tool kit and gave me some plumbing supplies to play with. I spent hours messing around and seeing what I could construct. When I was older, my dad let me go with him when he was called out on plumbing repair jobs. I learnt an awful lot from him over the next couple of years. Although I didn't become a professional plumber, I still remember everything he taught me. I hope you find the information here useful.



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